this place is full of spies, I think they’re on to me…

July 29, 2008


Can’t stand thieves.   We had our wheels from our ’08 Yukon stolen this past Saturday and it was quite disturbing.  First off, let me preface by saying that our neighborhood is out of a storybook… children playing, small dogs, families and the occasional “just-married” couple.   The quintessential suburb of North Texas, surrounded by nothing but homes just like ours, and the addition of a shopping pavillion.  So the fact that our neigborhood is currently undergoing the last phase of home building in our area poses the “theft” problem.  Now, I’ve heard everything from ‘its those construction workers’ to ‘it just happens in new areas’.. but I’m one of 4 Hispanics in my neighborhood, so of course it is a bit unsettling that “those” construction workers (i.e., illegals) are the first to be blamed.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t mean I don’t blame them as well….  but regardless of what animal stole our vehicles’ wheels… don’t think it won’t come back ten-fold.  They had the audacity to not only snip the wires of our streetlight (which illuminates our house directly) but they also unscrewed our lightbulbs in the front porch and garage fixtures.  Very sneaky.  But it doesn’t matter.  It never does.  Police report, insurance claim, rent car, who cares?!?  We have all the money in the world, right??  Why, you ask?  Because we work.  In Texas, where the unemployment rate alone is 4.4%, I don’t feel sorry for ANYONE.  I am not a bleeding heart and am unapologetic for feeling this way.  I’ve worked over half of my life, and I have had lots of things taken from me… some more expensive than others….. all because the next person “just doesn’t have money.”  But just because I can afford it, doesn’t mean you can take it away.   Screw  the libertarian ideas of a free everything.  Although it might sound “super Texan” we do in fact have the right to bear arms to protect our homes and belongings.. so thieves beware… I can guarantee that my husband’s trigger finger is getting mighty itchy.

2 Responses to “this place is full of spies, I think they’re on to me…”

  1. Ashley said

    Definitely, full-fledged agree with you. I can’t agree that construction workers=illegals. But yeah for the libertarians. Unfortunately America has fast become a society where it’s not only dog-eat-dog, but a politician’s playground. Each presidential candidate, for example, targets their own “problem” areas that could fix America (or as so put by the “messiah” himself, “need change”). But the corruption, no matter what strings are pulled, will REMAIN HEAVILY. It’s just what America’s shaped up to be now.

    No, the right to bear arms isn’t super “Texan,” but evidently it’s super “un-American,” according to the people that recently tried to BAN THAT AMENDMENT. psh.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEAAAASE write a political piece!! I’m so dying for a good debate!

    Love you, sis!

  2. the realist said

    Yeah, the “illegals” comment was just a jab at all the ignorant people who assume those “lucky illegals” are the only ones who work construction. I still love the lazy Americans who say that immigrants are taking all their jobs, when infact they would much rather collect their unemployment, welfare, or lets say, “disability” checks from our govt. I know… lets try not having 7 children by the age of 23 and see if society improves. Hard working Americans are doing just that… working hard. Everyone else can take a backseat and watch life pass them up.

    As for what America has become… I’m still waiting to see how this election unravels. Corruption is indeed a part of this beautiful country, and has been for years. Like I mentioned before, I see most (not all) politicians as those smiley glad-hands…smiling for the cameras, shaking hands with leaders of other countries, giving food to the poor… I don’t buy it.. we see ONLY what they want us to see, nothing more. For being “one nation under God” we are about as diverse as a losing Rubiks cube.
    *excuse the profane use of quotations*

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