Can’t stand thieves.   We had our wheels from our ’08 Yukon stolen this past Saturday and it was quite disturbing.  First off, let me preface by saying that our neighborhood is out of a storybook… children playing, small dogs, families and the occasional “just-married” couple.   The quintessential suburb of North Texas, surrounded by nothing but homes just like ours, and the addition of a shopping pavillion.  So the fact that our neigborhood is currently undergoing the last phase of home building in our area poses the “theft” problem.  Now, I’ve heard everything from ‘its those construction workers’ to ‘it just happens in new areas’.. but I’m one of 4 Hispanics in my neighborhood, so of course it is a bit unsettling that “those” construction workers (i.e., illegals) are the first to be blamed.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t mean I don’t blame them as well….  but regardless of what animal stole our vehicles’ wheels… don’t think it won’t come back ten-fold.  They had the audacity to not only snip the wires of our streetlight (which illuminates our house directly) but they also unscrewed our lightbulbs in the front porch and garage fixtures.  Very sneaky.  But it doesn’t matter.  It never does.  Police report, insurance claim, rent car, who cares?!?  We have all the money in the world, right??  Why, you ask?  Because we work.  In Texas, where the unemployment rate alone is 4.4%, I don’t feel sorry for ANYONE.  I am not a bleeding heart and am unapologetic for feeling this way.  I’ve worked over half of my life, and I have had lots of things taken from me… some more expensive than others….. all because the next person “just doesn’t have money.”  But just because I can afford it, doesn’t mean you can take it away.   Screw  the libertarian ideas of a free everything.  Although it might sound “super Texan” we do in fact have the right to bear arms to protect our homes and belongings.. so thieves beware… I can guarantee that my husband’s trigger finger is getting mighty itchy.

 The Avett Brothers

Politics…. I won’t delve too deep into who I think is right, wrong or just plain crooked.  Not many people think that this country can be run where we all get along, and I’m one of those people.  No matter which “smiley glad-hand” gets elected, the American people will still be divided.  I never claimed to own a house in la-la-land, so it is what it is.  

During elections, everyone puts their best foot forward… celebrities come out of the woodwork… showing their monetary support for their nominee of choice, (of course their support is much more than you or I could ever give, so there!) 

Ah, politicians….. they all have a hidden agenda, hopefully this doesn’t come as a surprise.  I enjoy watching the naive belief in all the “myspacers” of the world.  People see an edited and scripted version of who you are to vote for and nothing more.  Before the presidential election became about money, scandal, and pointing fingers, I believe that at one point our President truly had the American’s well-being at heart…. Abraham Lincoln is the last that comes to mind…

In case the picture is confusing, it is the amazing Avett Brothers who supplied me with my title….  I couldn’t bear to post a pic of any politic, plus the Avett Brothers would never lie to me…

all the friends you can eat

January 28, 2008

The Ocotpus Project

Amy Winehouse sucks, and I won’t give her record company the satisfaction of listening to even ONE of her songs.  I’m listening to  ‘Ethel’ on XM radio, when lo and behold, some Wino song came on.  I was like, NOPE…. not as long as I control the even flow of music in this house.  I won’t do it to myself.  Nothing, not even a good 13 seconds of any track.  She’s a trainwreck, yet I still won’t waste my extraocular muscles on any tabloid with her name on it. 

Don’t get me wrong, I give every artist their fair share of research before I decide to listen or follow their career, but there are just some things I can’t look past.  Green Day is another.  People trying sooooooo hard to make their art stand out.  And apparently they are doing something right because they have huge followings,….. but then again, so did Barney.  

The empty sigh

November 6, 2007

I hate people, in general.  Well, maybe not everyone in the world, but I hate those that discourage.  During my run today at lunch, I encountered yet another car that wouldn’t get out of our lane.  Its a three-lane road going one direction, you’d think they would have the common courtesy to move over.. especially since there is never any traffic. 

The mere fact is that no matter where you go, there are those that hate people who have drive. 

So, I reaffirmed why I hate sales people so much.  They come in many packages, some sleazier than others, but apparently they come with jokes now.  Thats right, I encountered a salesman trying to be funny by making a stupid comment.  Don’t get me wrong, I work for the higher-ups and he is trying to get our business.  I consider myself pretty laid back, however this guy gives me the creeps and I can’t force myself to entertain a conversation with him.  So I had to shoot him the evil eye, which he then backed off. 

I hate salesmen…. I know their type all too well…. they gross me out and all look the same: greasy, used, tired, and eager to do anything for a quick buck.  We all know someone who fits the bill, unfortunately.