I was having a Bowerbirds fix at la Blogotheque…. seriously, I don’t see how the Bowerbirds don’t have the hugest of followings.  I guess I’d prefer it that way.  Wouldn’t want to see some Volkswagen commercial with “Bur Oak” in the backdrop.  Ugh…

Unimpressed with Coldplay’s latest release Viva la Vida, it left me to wonder, do all bands evolve into something that is unlike anything they were before?  Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the head were amazing.  They put Coldplay on the map.  All known and unknown b-sides reinforced any and all feelings of the bands prominence, trust me, I have them all.  Then mainstream happened.  They lost me as a genuine fan after Live and XY.  I got their new cd and heard nothing but top 40.  Where is the Coldplay that had a vision of changing the world with their music??  One guess….. Hollywood.

On another note, Wolf Parade’s At Mount Zoomerwill probably be one of the greatest albums put out this year.  Stereogum has a pretty decent write-up on the album here.   I encourage anyone who supports indie music to follow the careers of Spencer Krug and Dan Boeckner, cause these guys aren’t going ANYWHERE….

Listen to “language city” at their myspace